Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Connected, But Alone?

In the TED Talk: “Connected, But Alone”, Sherry Turkle brings foreword issues amongst our society regarding social media and the use of our cellphones. Turkle explains cellphones as a gateway from our own “grieve and reverie”, as we indulge in a false image of others as well as ourselves. The idea that people wish to interact each other, but only on their desired time and control is a valid point that is brought to light. Real life situations do not let humans touch up and edit their conversation with one another, and the certain rawness to real human interaction can be lost amongst the use of cellphones. Texting can be used as short-term fulfillment of interaction with one another, but deeper connections between people need to go much further beyond that. Arguably the use of cellphones has made us less susceptible to be alone with our thoughts and emotions, and the constant pressure to be connected with one another can otherwise have an alternative affect, leading to less relationships overall.


  1. I personally agree with a lot that Turkle has to say. From going about daily life, it can sometimes feel like individuals substitute real interactions for digital ones instead. People place value on digital engagement the same way they do with personal connections. However, it is important to develop real and raw relationships. We are all human, and it is important to engage with one another on a human level.

  2. It's unfortunate that we are connecting less face to face and more online. Online communication hardly gives us a chance to actually form relationships. It does seem like humans like the idea of having control and honestly, it seems we are losing more and more of control the more we use social media. How can we learn about ourselves if we have been accustom to spending "alone time" mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. The more learn about ourselves and the less we depend on technology, the more we will connect with others.


Vision Project

This is our Vision Of Students in 2019 project that was done with my CMNS 150 class.